Monday, October 17, 2005

Luck or Miracle?

CROSS! In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen!

Was driving happily along the fast lane last night. The street was near to empty. People were breaking their fast. Suddenly this car from the slow lane moving in to the fast lane overtaking the car in front of him almost making a 90° angle and about to block my lane. I told myself surely the car would not stupidly enough in keep on moving and not waiting for me to pass by first. Then I stepped on the pedal and increase the speed. Turned out that the driver was not even looking at his right direction and keep on moving and over taking the car in front of him, whom also changing from slow to fast lane.

In the split second state of shock my brain told me, even though I brake I would hit that stupid car. If I change into the other right lane (which is the fastest lane) chances were a car would then hit me. In that nick of a time I just couldn’t look at my right mirror. I banged my steering wheel to the right and quickly turned it to the left again after passing the stupid car. I could almost imagine and feel a car from behind crashing my window and destroying me.

After none of the above happened I just completely stopped the car with my legs and hands shaking hard in the middle of the road. The stupid car eventually over took me from the right and wave the "oops I’m Sorry sign". Oops my ass!
Luckily or is it more miraculously there were no cars behind us. I repeatedly made a cross sign. I believe it was a miracle. God still think I’m worth to be kept alive in order to good in this life. So I could pass this on to people, touch their heart and try to give meaning in their life in anyway I can.

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