Friday, October 28, 2005

Swing Out Sister

This duo of Corrine Drewery & Andy Connell is such a legend! I remember back in the 80s when I was still in primary school, I saw their video clip for "Where in the world?" I was so mesmerised! Growing up, lots of music hopped in my ears. I can remember Gun's n Roses was one of it. But still I never forget about SOS. Until one day in my high shcool I met a friend whom actually had SOS CD. It was such a great discovery for me. Then I started buying their CDs dated from the 80s & 90s. Later I found out that they are actually still exist and productive. Pity they only sell their latest album in US, UK and Japan, then came to my rescue.What made me so attached to SOS, I cannot really explain. Somehow there is this vibrant energy and comfort and deja vu and lots of other mixed feelings that I cannot find the right words for them. I've gone through bad breakups in life and SOS has been giving me a sweet feeling. Whenever I'm in a bad mood, I always rush home and play them for comfort. I guess you should listen to them yourself and will understand what I meant.

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