Thursday, November 17, 2005

Adorable animals

Orang Utan, one of the species that nearly extinct in the world. I just don't get it why human nature would somehow done so many harm to this world to reap just a short satisfaction that will never come to any ends. Surely they are cute and adorable, but you don't have to have them lying around in the backyard just for a private viewing! There are so many options available for pets, can you just stay with the list.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Ambon Manise

The long awaited dive trip finally arrived. The group of 8 which is definitely multi cultural (3 Indonesians with different races, 1 Japanese, 1 German, 1 Dutch, 1 Bolivian, 1 Ukrainian). Uneasy feeling at first, given that I’ll be going with all total strangers, the long journey and post crisis city.Ambon Manise (The sweet and beautiful Ambon) indeed speaks for itself. An island with beautiful misty mountain, transparent turquoise color sea, remote beaches with coconut trees, cheerful children and such voices that gives me goose bumps.

The island of Ambon is located south of Seram Island in Central Maluku. The size is about 761, which makes it an extreme by dot in the world map. The island is shaped like 2 horseshoes clinging together creating 2 peninsulas only tied by a small passage at only one mile wide between the Inner and the Baguala bays. The north-Western part is called the Leihitu Peninsula is larger then the south-eastern which is the Leitimor Peninsula though much of the population is centered in the latter. The original inhabitants of the Maluku archipelago are descended from the Austropolynesian race - a mixture of Austronesians and Polynesians (There you go John! Your theory is in fact true!). Around 43, 5% of the total population Christian, 55, 8% Moslem, and the rest are Hindu and Buddhist.

Zombie night

Almost midnight flight from Jakarta. Transit in Surabaya for an hour filled with glasses of Chivas. Flight to Ambon takes 2hr n 30min. The plane was bloody cold! It was freezing down to the bone! Couldn't sleep at all. Arrived in Ambon at 7 in the morning. Quickly got off from the plane, can’t wait to feel the sun. Freshly new and modern airport. The aquarium glass wall and parquet ceiling. You could see the beach from the runway with coconut trees on the side. Bus picked us up to the Maluku Divers in Latuhalat village near Namalatu beach.

Took the ferry ride. Slept right through! Greeted with cold wet towel and breakfast which was really nice. Decided not to go on the 11am dive, I’m just not a morning person! Especially with the considerably poor amount of sleep. Quickly dozed off and woke up around 1.30. The thought of more sleep tempted me, but then went diving instead. The underwater world in Ambon is so amazing. Colorful sea squirts, healthy corals, lots of fishes and nudis. The night dive is EXCELLENT! Listed one of the best! So many things to see yet so little time. Surfaced and greeted by beautiful twinkling starry sky. Place to crash is very homy. Foods are great with yummy snacks. Full tummy and off to bed. Darn no signal!

Village visit

Started early in the morning. 3 dives for the day. Visited Kilang and Natu beach for surface interval. Bubbly children made the afternoon quite merry. They happily climbed the coconut trees for us. Spotted the wobbly young manta ray jumping in and out the sea. Quite a performance! Were clapping frantically. Decided not to do a night dive at all. After shower, four of us walked up the hill to the nearest village. Quite hard to keep up with 3 ‘bule’ guys. No matter how fast I walked, I couldn’t keep up with them and their long legs. Some fancy ‘becak’ with full on sound system and disco lights. Turn the volume up and start pumping. Apparently this full entertainment becak is Latuhalat village’s specialty. Stopped for drinks at a small ‘warung’. We quickly became the centre of attention. Chatted a little bit, then walked back to the resort for dinner.

Brief city tour

Another full on day dive. Shipwreck dive at Wayame. Huge supply ship during the WW II. 2 frog fishes at the site. The big red grayish and tiny white clown frogfish. Scorpion and crocodile fishes plus one overly fat white nudi. Spotted 2 big b ump heads on the second five. They were in action moshing their forehead to the corals. Awesome!
Awfully dirty sea with rubbish from Ambon city. Spotted a copycat HOLYWOOD signage in one of the beach.
Skipped the third dive and went off to buy some Ice cream (successfully invoking the others for a need of an ice cream. God I’m GOOD! ;p) The ride to Ambon city took around 30 mins. Checked out local supermarket, the bules needed to get some caps to protect their already burned nose. We can already feel the Christmas ambience. Starting with our driver in keep on playing the Christmas tunes and the boogying Santa Claus in the supermarket. Visited Pattimura statue in the city centre and Martha Christina Tijahahu statue up the hill. Such a nice view of the bay and the buildings from up the hill. Fransiscus Xavier Catholic Church is truly a piece of art. White tall building with the Saints statues lining up as decoration and hanging crystal lights, almost like the Davinci building in Jakarta. Back to the resort and another night dive. My flashlight died on me under water, bummer! Luckily someone got backup. Dinner at Pak Agus’ ‘informal bar’ with some beers and entertainments from the dive crew. Boy they can sing! Magical performance from Yanes. Claimed to be the Seram island specialty. Seram literal Bahasa translation is “scary”.

Last day dive

3 last dives for the trip. Did only 2. Took some nap after the second dive. Another trip to the Ambon city. The road wiggles next to the sea. Breathtaking view seeing the transformation from the clear blue sky to the orangey sun set. Stopped to see some children playing the Tarzan style swing, jumping off to the water by the beach. Oleksy took up the challenge and got wet. In fact he was also climbing the coconut tree in one of the beach during our surface interval. Did not manage to get to the top though but still salute for him!
Saturday nite at Ambon city was merry. Everyone was out on the street. Nice drive, unfortunately couldn’t find pisang ambon liquor that we were looking for. Bought some martabak instead. The last night feast. Fresh tuna sashimi and colo-colo (probably from the giant tuna we saw this afternoon). Wrapping the night off with singing and dancing. Maluku divers crews are clearly offering world class service. They took extra effort in making sure our stay is a pleasant one. The attention to details such as clean dry towel on the boat is excellent.

Limbo journey to Jakarta

Checked out local church in the morning. Cute children choir and trumpets performance from the old men. Finalizing the pack up and off we go to the airport for 3pm flight. The route for the day was Ambon – Makassar – Jakarta. Couldn’t land in Makassar due to the heavy rain. The plane was flying in circle motion for almost 20 minutes which was quite worrying. We were re-routed to Denpasar instead. Waiting anxiously inside the plane, we tried to get a new direct flight to Jakarta from Denpasar. We did not take it in the end since we couldn’t refund our current ticket. Landed in Makassar at about 7pm. Run off to the nearest restaurant and had our dinner in fast mode since our flight will be boarding in 15 minutes time. It turned out to be a false alarm. Killed time by playing Uno. At 8 we boarded the plane once again only to wait for almost an hour inside the plane. Airport was closed due to Indonesian VVIP leaving the city then followed by the engine breakdown from our plane. We then hushed back to the airport and waited there endlessly without any clear explanation. Situation was almost chaotic. Lots of flights were being delayed with no clear reasons. People were complaining and shouting. Finally we left Makassar at almost midnight and landed in Jakarta at 2 am in the morning! A tiring and stressful journey back home. But the trip was worthy, for me to ponder when dullness strikes me.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Swing Out Sister

This duo of Corrine Drewery & Andy Connell is such a legend! I remember back in the 80s when I was still in primary school, I saw their video clip for "Where in the world?" I was so mesmerised! Growing up, lots of music hopped in my ears. I can remember Gun's n Roses was one of it. But still I never forget about SOS. Until one day in my high shcool I met a friend whom actually had SOS CD. It was such a great discovery for me. Then I started buying their CDs dated from the 80s & 90s. Later I found out that they are actually still exist and productive. Pity they only sell their latest album in US, UK and Japan, then came to my rescue.What made me so attached to SOS, I cannot really explain. Somehow there is this vibrant energy and comfort and deja vu and lots of other mixed feelings that I cannot find the right words for them. I've gone through bad breakups in life and SOS has been giving me a sweet feeling. Whenever I'm in a bad mood, I always rush home and play them for comfort. I guess you should listen to them yourself and will understand what I meant.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

joyeux anniversaire

The day I turn 28, Thank God it is not judgment day just yet. 7.30 am says my cell phone when it rings for the early wish from a good friend. 30 minutes pass midnight I did get a call from a closed friend, woke me up with her cheerful awaked scream. Still can hear the birds chipping away outside my room, the sun is still friendly and the weather still moist from the rain last night. My mood is calm with no frantic childlike mind enthusiastically awaits what the day hold for her. Do not get me wrong! I am truly thankful for today, I am just happy in a different level at this age. Maybe it is what they called "maturity". Though I still think there is that little bullying brat inside me somewhere, which occasionally comes out when I am being such a bi(a)tch! Lol ;p
Here I am 28 years old no less, ready for what life holds for me! Happy Birthday to me!!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Luck or Miracle?

CROSS! In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen!

Was driving happily along the fast lane last night. The street was near to empty. People were breaking their fast. Suddenly this car from the slow lane moving in to the fast lane overtaking the car in front of him almost making a 90° angle and about to block my lane. I told myself surely the car would not stupidly enough in keep on moving and not waiting for me to pass by first. Then I stepped on the pedal and increase the speed. Turned out that the driver was not even looking at his right direction and keep on moving and over taking the car in front of him, whom also changing from slow to fast lane.

In the split second state of shock my brain told me, even though I brake I would hit that stupid car. If I change into the other right lane (which is the fastest lane) chances were a car would then hit me. In that nick of a time I just couldn’t look at my right mirror. I banged my steering wheel to the right and quickly turned it to the left again after passing the stupid car. I could almost imagine and feel a car from behind crashing my window and destroying me.

After none of the above happened I just completely stopped the car with my legs and hands shaking hard in the middle of the road. The stupid car eventually over took me from the right and wave the "oops I’m Sorry sign". Oops my ass!
Luckily or is it more miraculously there were no cars behind us. I repeatedly made a cross sign. I believe it was a miracle. God still think I’m worth to be kept alive in order to good in this life. So I could pass this on to people, touch their heart and try to give meaning in their life in anyway I can.

Monday, August 29, 2005

a touch of Russia

Checked out the Russian Vodka Bar (Red Square) on Saturday night. Nice cozy small place with good music (RnB it was the old skul). The drinks are absolutely YUMMY! Started with the Hypnotic Illusion then the good old shot of B69 and Moscow Dip, the famous icy Roska and should never miss the White Chocolate Martini! Couldn't help not having the second and the third :pFriendly bartender! Made a blink blink at this caucasian guy and got my 'bride to be' friend a dare to get his number and deleted soon after, since the hunk is overly confidence (bummer@!@!). Another dare of dancing on the bar table and again couldn't help myself of joining lol :)) Can't wait for another trip to taste the Chicken Kiev and this place is highly recommended!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

blup blup blup

feels like clearing my lungs and throat out
screaming away til my belly deflate
monotony road to self destruct
pink, blue, orange , green I need you now
the smell of fresh morning grass
bound to cure the restless mind
dust and wind of a new place
will calm my hyper searching soul
a new season bless me a rosy cheek
ordinary day go away!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

tidur siang di pulau peucang

Hamparan pasir putihmu yang konon sepanjang 600m mengelilingi pulau langsung menghipnotisku. Gradasi biru laut yang transparan membuatku ingin langsung terjun kedalamnya, namun sayang sedang banyak ubur2 merapat disini, jadi teriakan2 kegatelan itu langsung meyadarkanku buat gak langsung nyemplung!
Satu siang dimana perutku mulai tidak enak gara gara ombak yang mengombang ambingkan kami yang akan dive di batu jajar PAGI harinya (saya sangat tidak suka bangun pagi!), aku memilih untuk tinggal di pulau sementara yang lainnya masih semangat diving. Setelah semua orang pergi, aku mulai menyusuri pantai dan merebahkan diri di putihnya pasir. Sungguh nikmat rebahan di tengah hangatnya sinar matahari disertai desiran angin laut! Pantai ini jadi milikku untuk satu jam saja, benar2 aku seorang yang ada di pantai ini! Isn’t it amazing!!! Aku hampir mulai terlelap, sampai satu saat dimana aku mendengar kerisikan jauh didalam hutan. Imajinasiku mulai melayang akan adanya penyerangan si monyet berbuntut panjang yang sudah nampak sangat galak dari hari pertama kami sampai di pulau ini. Hanya gara2 kami sangat sayang pada makanan kami. Maklum di pulau ini tidak ada minimart ataupun toko kelontong. Yang tinggal saja hanya petugas perhutani yang menjaga Ujung Kulon National Park dan beberapa koki yang dapat mengolah bahan makanan mentah yang kami bawa dari jakarta. Dan weekend ini, hanya rombongan kami yang menginap, jadi bener2 gak ada orang lain! Karena takut diserang mereka, aku langsung kabur mencari manusia lainnya, untung ada pak ntus sang koki di dermaga. Aku langsung mulai ngobrol dengan si bapak. Selesai deh tidur siangku di pulau peucang! Tapi tetap worth it kok, biarpun untuk pasir putih itu kita harus mengarungi lautan selama 3 jam dengan siraman air laut dan angin, alhasil berlindung di kain terpal juga gak guna dan basah kuyup pun tak terhindarkan. Yang pasti siang itu akan masuk dalam mimpi mimpi ku dimana aku sedang lelah dan butuh matahari :)